Takeshin KARATEAn art of blocks, strikes, punches and kicks, Takeshin Karate-do also applies throws, locks and takedowns not normally taught in more widely seen karate-arts. Most of this "hidden" material comes from careful analysis of traditional karate kata (forms) taken from numerous traditions. With Takeshin Karate you train in an art of power without sacrificing fluidity and ease of execution. Instruction begins with simple stances and blocks that hold subtleties often lost upon the casual observer. In essence these basic movements are the key building blocks for more advanced techniques, developed by the traditional kata and applied in various engagement drills. Each rank from hachikyu (eighth grade) to ikkyu (first grade) requires the traditional "K's" of karate-do: keri (kicks), kata (forms) and kumite (engagement matches). Basic KATA (forms) as shown below for Takeshin Karate: Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan (Peaceful Mind 1-5); Kanku-dai (Viewing the Sky, principle variation); Bassai-dai (Breaking through a Fortress, principle variation); and Tekki shodan, nidan, sandan (Iron Horse 1-3). KUMITE (engagement drills) for Takeshin Karate: jodan ippon kumite (upper-level one-step sparring); sandan ippon kumite (3-level one-step sparring); jiyu ippon kumite (free attack one-step sparring); jiyu kumite (free sparring). At higher black belt levels additional specific kicking and sparring skills are required as well as a choice of at lest 5 additional traditional forms, as are illustrated in the Kata videos below. Our required forms begin with typical Japanese kata, reminiscent of Shotokan. In upper black belt levels, however, one may add forms from Shito-ryu, Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu and Kamishin-ryu. Each student is required to understand how to analyze their forms and how to apply variations of each movement or each form. To receive a 20% discount on selected Karate videos, take a DVD Self-study Course. Karate Kumite is the application of kata: Karate Engagements DVDS. Cross training that includes elements of Aiki. Karate Books, E-Books and Takeshin Karate Manuals on PDF. Seminars with Hanshi Annesi. |
Hanshi Tony Annesi • Advisory council, Nippon Kobudo Renmei (NKR) • Steering Committee, International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-do • Member of 3 Martial Arts Halls of Fame A martial artist since 1964 10th dan, Takeshin Aiki 10th dan, Takeshin Karate 6th Dan, Shotokan Karate 2nd dan, Judo
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FREE SHIPPING in the USA & Territories. All Foreign orders shipped at actual cost & charged separately. Example: currently for most locals in Europe $16.50 for up to 2 DVDs. | |||
Tensho, Papuren, Hakucho: The Aiki of Karate (2-DVD set)
KING SIZE Kata Comparison Set
KCS-1 through 12 PLUS The Lost Channan Kata 15 DVDs or Downloads, 24.25 HRS KSKCs: $499 |
THE LOWER KYU KATA SetHeian Shodan through Godan. 6 DVDs or Downloads, 13 HOURS KH-LK, $199 |
All the Takeshin Kata through Shodan All 8 kyu levels of Takeshin Karate Kata, Heian Shodan through Tekki Sandan (10 kata)—Lower kyu, Upper kyu, Keri-, Kumite-, and Nage-waza. |
Takeshin Karate COMPLETE SET!
Lower kyu, Upper kyu, Keri, -Kumite-, and Nage-waza! |