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  Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Nijushiho vs. Niseishi

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Same Name, Counter Cultures
Nijushiho vs. Niseishi

Shotokan NIJUSHIHO vs. Aragaki NISEISHI

Nijushiho (24 Movements) is derived from a Tomari-te version of Niseishi. Another version, Seisho Aragaki's as shown in this DVD seems completely different. But is it? Compare the two forms and reveal scores of insights and applications as well as unexpected counters from one kata to the other!

1 DVD (2 hours, 30 min.) KCS-12, $49  Nijushiho vs. Niseishi

DOWNLOAD: 2.5 hours, KCS-12-DL, $49  Nijushiho vs. Niseishi
Within 24 hours, we will send you a link and a password.

• Introduction
• Nijushiho taught & Performed
• Niseishi taught & performed
• APPLICATIONS from Nijushiho
• APPLICATIONS from Niseishi
• getting power in the hook punch
• getting power in a double punch from a neutral stance
• COUNTERS to the major movements from both kata

Bunkai ExtensionBunkai Extension1

From KATA to the STREETS  1-6 (12 hrs)

ONLY $359

6 DVDsKata to Streets 1-6 DVD

6 Downloads Kat to streets 1-6 Downlaods

From Kata to the Streets 5From Kata to the Streets 6

From Kata to the Streets 5From Kata to the Streets 5

From Kata to the Streets 4From Kata to the Streets 4

From Kata to the Streets 3From Kata to the Streets 3

From Kata to the Streets 2From Kata to the Streets 2

From Kata to the Streets 1From Kata to the Streets 1

Nijushiho vs. NiseishiNijushiho vs. Niseishi


GojushihoThe Hard & Soft Applications of Gojushiho

Aiki of Karate 1 Aiki of Karate 2 Tensho, Papuren, Hakucho: The Aiki of Karate (2-DVD set)





Gou/Uechi SeisanGoju / Uechi Seisan

HangetsuHangetsu/Aragaki Seisan

GankakuGankaku / Matsumora Rohai

MeikyoMeikyo / Itosu Rohai 1, 2, 3

Ji-in, Jutte, JionJi'in, Jutte, Jion

Wankan/MatsukazeWankan / Mastukaze

Empi/WanshuEmpi / Wanshu

KING SIZE Kata Comparison Set

Empi WanshuWankan MatsukazeJi'in Jutte JionMeikyo Itosu Rohai 1-2-3Gankaku Matsumora RohaiHangetsu Aragaki SeisanUechi-Goju Seisan
Kanku-ShoBassai-ShoGojushiho-Dai ShoLost Channan 1Lost Channan 2Aiki of Karate 1Aiki of Karate 2Nijushiho/Niseishi

KCS-1 through 12 PLUS The Lost Channan Kata

15 DVDs, 24.25 HOURS  KSKCs: $499 King-size Kata Set

Downloads: KingSize Kata Comparison-DL

Channan 1 Channan 2  The Lost Channan Kata


Mawashi UkeMawashi Uke
Sogo Budo DVDs, Karate DVDs, Aiki DVDs, Aiki DVD, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs