Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDsAiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Martial Arts DVDs & Seminars

  Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Mawashi Uke

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

The Roundhouse or Circle Reception is employed in nearly every system of Okinawan karate, appearing most often in the Uechi and Goju systems.
When the applications of Mawashi Uke are studied in depth, they reveal not only hard and soft blocks, but strikes, locks, and throws, as well—almost an entire style within a single technique.

2 Hours, K-58, $69 Mawashi Uke

DOWNLOAD: 2 Hours, K-58-DL, $69 Mawashi Uke We will send you a link and a password within 24 hours.

A Style within a Block

Mawashi Uke


  • Dedication
  • Preliminaries
  • Kake-uke as the Root
  • Mawashi Uke vs. Jodan Tsuki
  • Mawashi Uke vs. Yokomen Uchi
  • Mawashi Uke vs. Uraken Uchi
  • Mawashi Uke vs. Gedan Tsuki
  • Mawashi Uke vs. Mae Geri
  • Mawashi Uke with Mawashi Uke
    Bunkai Extension 2Bunkai Extension 3 Bunkai Extension 2Bunkai Extension 2

Bunkai ExtensionBunkai Extension1

From KATA to the STREETS  1-6 (12 hrs)

ONLY $359

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From Kata to the Streets 5From Kata to the Streets 5

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From Kata to the Streets 3From Kata to the Streets 3

From Kata to the Streets 2From Kata to the Streets 2

From Kata to the Streets 1From Kata to the Streets 1

Kumite & KeriBasic Kumite & Keri Waza

Off-balancing BlocksOff-balancing Blocks    

Inside the Kumite GapInside the Kumite Gap

Attacker's 2nd BlowDealing with the Attacker's 2nd Blow

Sudden Attack Defense 1 Sudden Attack Defense 2 Sudden Attack Defense 3    Sudden Attack Defense (3-DVD set) 

Creating Ippon Kumite CombinationsCreating Ippon Kumite Combinations

Mawashi UkeMawashi Uke

Drill to Defend
Volumes 1 & 2

DtD-set, $89.00  Drill to Defend Set

Drill to Defend 1 Drill to Defend 1

Drill to Defend 2

Drill to Defend 2



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Sogo Budo DVDs, Karate DVDs, Aiki DVDs, Aiki DVD, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs