Attend a seminar: Current Seminar Schedule 
Host a Bushido-Kai Seminar
with Tony Annesi, Kudan Hanshi.

Choose from past seminar topics (our videos will give you many ideas) or consult with Hanshi Annesi to make a seminar customized to your dojo's needs. Our costs are low and we offer a special program for first-time sponsors. Inquire about reduced rates when school supplies an experienced videographer (we supply the camera and media).
Bushido-kai Seminars offer a compelling way to enrich the martial arts curriculum of your students. We focus on principles, and express these principles through the details of technique that can be adjusted to many different styles.
- Insights you did not expect
- Details of how to learn or train to master new skills
- Examples from various martial arts
- Adjustments of principles to fit your chose art
- Good humor and smooth teaching style
"Every time I attend one of Tony Annesi's seminars, I leave with a tremendous boost of insight and inspiration; and the knowledge I gain breathes new life into my practice of martial arts. I highly recommend Tony Annesi and his seminars to all serious traditional martial artists." --Roger Paradis, M.A., L.M.T.
- Renewed enthusiam about training
- New ways to see old material
- Shortcuts for instant improvement
- Feeling like you area beginner, but at a master's level
- Feeling overwhelmed with knowledge but wanting more.
For more information on hosting a seminar, download our special seminar kit and fee arrangements. For further information on seminars contact
Bushido-kai Kenkyukai member schools receive reduced rates; schools interested in membership in this federation may write to Bushido-Kai.
If you are interested in our federation and would like to receive a copy of our Handbook for Member Instructors at $25, order here: 
Sponsors of seminars pay for travel, room & board and the following seminar/clinic fees:
Bushido-Kai Rate Card |
Half-day seminars (2-3 hours): $750 |
Full-day seminars (4-5 hours): $1000 |
Additional full-days in sequence: $750 per day |
Additional half-days in sequence: $500 per day |
Travel costs plus 50% of seminar fees will serve as a deposit to secure your seminar date. First time sponsors, please ask for our special program. |
Feel free to ask questions by emailing or by calling 508 881-4007.
Current Seminar Schedule |

Hanshi Tony Annesi
• Advisory council, Nippon Kobudo Renmei (NKR)
• Steering Committee, International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-do
• Member of 3 Martial Arts Halls of Fame
A martial artist since 1964
10th dan, Takeshin Aiki
10th dan, Takeshin Karate
6th Dan, Shotokan Karate
2nd dan, Judo

Hanshi, International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-do
