Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDsAiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Martial Arts DVDs & Seminars

  Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Hidden Joint Jolts from Karate Kata Details

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs


2 DVDs (4 hours, 53 min.) HJJ-set, $69 Hidden Joint Jolts Set

DOWNLOAD: (2 sections) 4.8 Hours, HJJ-DL, $69 Drill to Defend 1
within 24 hours we'll email you a link and a password

Hidden in the Open

Hidden Joint Jolts from Kata
Vol.1: Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan

The blocks and punches are obvious. Sometimes the overt armlocks stick out like a sore elbow; but what about the subtle, quick, debilitating jolts to knees and elbows that are so easy to ignore when analyzing kata? Here they are, clearly instructed and drawn from the kata you thought you knew—amazingly effective and easy to apply! The original plan for this seminar was to cover various jolts from up to 70 kata. It was quickly determined that even the most basic kata held so many applications that the seminarians could barely cover them all in the four hour seminar. Shihan Annesi took a vote among the students and settled on covering only the Heian Kata. Even then, there was barely enough time to give a representative example of jolt techniques from Heian one through three. The students also encouraged Shihan Annesi to do a follow up seminar with examples from additional kata.

1 DVD (2 hours, 30 min.) K-48, $49.00 Hidden Joint Jolts 1

  • VOLUME 1:
    • Introduction
    • Preparation Position
    • Down Block
    • Minimization
    • Lunge Punch
    • Turn
    • Hammerfist
    • Upper Block
    • Turn
    • Knifehand Block
    • Double Backfist Block
    • Middle Block, Close Punch
    • Both Fists on 1 Hip
    • Prep for Side Kick
    • Spearhand
    • Inside Middle Block/Front Kick
    • Reinforced Forearm Block/Turn
    • Minimization
    • Mid/Low Blocks
    • Turn, Side Backfist
    • Fists on Hips
    • Side Elbow Block
    • Turn, Rear Strike
    • Slow Free Application

Everything is Hidden Until You Know Its There

MORE Hidden Joint Jolts
Volume 2: Heian Yondan, Godan, and Kanku-dai

Although the kata are a vehicle for learning hidden joint jolts, the purpose of the training is to instantly recognize the opportunity for a jolt in self-defense. The positions and theoretical situations that kata provide help you understand the body-mechanics, muscle-use, proximities, and follow-ups important for practical joint jolt application. In this detailed sequel to Hidden Joint Jolts from Karate Kata,
Kyoshi Tony Annesi uses Heian Yondan, Godan, and Kanku-dai to illustrate possible interpretations of subtle joint jolts and how they can be converted from formal to more free-flowing practical applications.
1 DVD (2 hours, 23 min.) K-53, $39.00 Hidden Joint Jolts 2

• Introduction
• double backhand block
• prep for X-block
• low X-block
• side snap kick
• forearm strike
• potential follow-ups
• prep for side head strike
• Kata as a Guide
• side head strike
• rolling backfist
• Slow Free Application
• wedge block
• knee lift
• prep for bow
• hook punch
• high X-block
• Study Kata in Depth
• crescent kick, forearm, elbow, uppercut, X-block
• low X-block
• Slow Free Application
• fylfot block
• view the sky
• palm-edge block
• front kick rechamber
• slap forearm, drop
• spear to spin
• high X-block, spin
• forearm scoop
• Final Commentary


2 DVDs (4 hours, 53 min.) HJJ-set, $69 Hidden Joint Jolts Set

DOWNLOAD: (2 sections) 4.8 Hours, HJJ-DL, $69 Drill to Defend 1
within 24 hours we'll email you a link and a password

    Bunkai Extension 2Bunkai Extension 3

Bunkai ExtensionBunkai Extension2

Bunkai ExtensionBunkai Extension1

From KATA to the STREETS  1-6 (12 hrs)

ONLY $359

6 DVDsKata to Streets 1-6 DVD

6 Downloads Kat to streets 1-6 Downlaods

From Kata to the Streets 5From Kata to the Streets 5

From Kata to the Streets 4From Kata to the Streets 4

From Kata to the Streets 3From Kata to the Streets 3

From Kata to the Streets 2From Kata to the Streets 2

From Kata to the Streets 1From Kata to the Streets 1

Mawashi UkeMawashi Uke

Aiki Aspect of KarateThe Aiki Aspect of Karate

Drill to DefendDrill to Defend

Uechi, Hard & SoftUechi, Hard Structure, Soft Applications

Aiki Locks from Karate KataAiki Locks from Karate Kata

KururunfaFire & Water 2: Kururunfa

SeienchinFire & Water 1: Seienchin

Karate Toolkit 2Karate Toolkit 2: Short Stance Styles

Karate Toolkit 1Karate Toolkit 1: Long Stance Styles


Aragaki SochinAragaki Sochin


Aiki throws form Karate Kata 1   Aiki Throws from Karate Kata 2Aiki Throws from Karate Kata

Kanku-dai, elements of Self-defense 1 Kanku-dai, Elements of Self-defense 2Kanku-dai & the Elements of Self-defense
(2-DVD set)

Bassai, elements of Self-defenseBassai-dai & the Elements of Self-defense

Wankan, Theory & PracticeWankan, Theory & Practice

Tensho, Range of IntensityTensho, Range of Intensity

Form to FormlessForm to Formless


Cracking the Kata Code 1

Cracking the Kata Code 3Cracking the Kata Code 2Cracking the Kata Code
3-DVD set, 6 HOURS
, $99

Cracking the Kata Code

Cracking the Kata Code e-book on Kindle or Nookbook


Hidden Joint JoltsHidden Throws

Hidden Joint JoltsHidden Joint Jolts

Sogo Budo DVDs, Karate DVDs, Aiki DVDs, Aiki DVD, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs