Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDsAiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs   Martial Arts DVDs & Seminars

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Fire & Water: Seienchin Details

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Torite & Kyusho Bunkai
with Grandmaster Jim Corn and Hanshi Tony Annesi

Jim Corn is a noted founder of a system of Kyusho-jitsu practiced in both the United States and Europe. His applications are hard, fast, and powerful. Hanshi Tony Annesi, Kancho of Takeshin Sogo Budo, is noted for his soft, effortless, but effective applications. together, they offer the Fire and Water of Kata Analysis. In this live seminar, they break down the Goju and Isshin versions of Seienchin. (2 hours) 

2 hours, AL-20, $49  Seienchin

DOWNLOAD: 2 Hours, AL-20-DL, $49  Seienchin Within 24 hours, we will send you a link and a password.

To UPGRADE to a HARD COPY within 1 year of purchase for ONLY $20, visit our UPGRADE PAGE.

Fire & Water: Seienchin
Annesi LIVE in Germany!

• Introduction
• Shikko-dachi Spread Hands: Coke Release
• Te Hana Odori (Inverted Kote Gaeshi)
• Body Hold Release
• Choke Release 2
• Choke Release 3
• Choke Release 4
• Block, Grab, Strike: Elbow Awareness 1
• Crane Stance, Straight Punch: Kagi (Nikyo)
• Preemptive Punch
• Reinforced Block, Droppling Block: Elbow Awareness 2
• Kuzushi Otoshi (Sokumen Irimi Nage) 1
• Armbar Follow-up

BOTH volumes of Fire & Water (Seienchin AND Kururunfa) ONLY $89

    in DVD format>>> Fire and Water set

    in Download format>>> Fire & Water Download set (we will send you a link and password within 24 hours)

Bunkai ExtensionBunkai Extension1

From KATA to the STREETS  1-6 (12 hrs)

ONLY $359

6 DVDsKata to Streets 1-6 DVD

6 Downloads Kat to streets 1-6 Downlaods

From Kata to the Streets 5From Kata to the Streets 6

From Kata to the Streets 5From Kata to the Streets 5

From Kata to the Streets 4From Kata to the Streets 4

From Kata to the Streets 3From Kata to the Streets 3

From Kata to the Streets 2From Kata to the Streets 2

From Kata to the Streets 1From Kata to the Streets 1

Uechi, Hard & Soft

Uechi, Hard Structure, Soft Applications

Aiki Locks from Karate Kata

Aiki Locks from Karate Kata


Fire & Water 2: Kururunfa


Fire & Water 1: Seienchin

Karate Toolkit 2

Karate Toolkit 2: Short Stance Styles

Karate Toolkit 1

Karate Toolkit 1: Long Stance Styles

Mawashi UkeMawashi Uke

Aragaki Sochin

Aragaki Sochin


Aiki throws form Karate Kata 1 Aiki Throws from Karate Kata 2

Aiki Throws from Karate Kata

Kanku-dai, elements of Self-defense 1 Kanku-dai, Elements of Self-defense 2

Kanku-dai & the Elements of Self-defense
(2-DVD set)

Bassai, elements of Self-defense

Bassai-dai & the Elements of Self-defense

Wankan, Theory & Practice

Wankan, Theory & Practice

Tensho, Range of Intensity

Tensho, Range of Intensity

Form to Formless

Form to Formless


Cracking the Kata Code 1

Cracking the Kata Code 1

Cracking the Kata Code 2

Cracking the Kata Code 2

Cracking the Kata Code 3

Cracking the Kata Code 3

Cracking the Kata Code
3-DVD set, 6 HOURS
, $99

Cracking the Kata Code

Cracking the Kata Code e-book on Kindle or Nookbook

Sogo Budo DVDs, Karate DVDs, Aiki DVDs, Aiki DVD, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs