Mixed Martial Arts,
the Original Way
Integrated Martial Ways (sogo budo) are the Cross-training of the martial arts.
Even wihtout studying a formal system or the generic principles that support martial arts techniques, one can see the hard within the soft and the soft within the hard.
SECRET STRIKES explains how the actual shape of Aiki techniques can easily be used as blows when throws or locks fail or are inapropriate.
AIKI LOCKS FROM KARATE KATA was the first program to search out the hidden locks in karate kata, showing that elements of karate can be hard OR soft.
Teh 2-DVDs set AIKI THROWS FROM KARATE KATA expands on the idea that karate has both ahrd and soft aspects.
If you understand how to apply subtle throws, studying HIDDEN THROWS AND TAKEDOWNS FROM KARATE KATA will make you realize that karate-ka typicall use too much strength in their applications. This DVD set helps correct that problem.
HIDDEN JOINT JOLTS FROM KARATE KATA reveals subtle joint techniques "between" the more obvious techniques that take very little effort but have devastating results.
Gichin Funakoshi ended his Karate-do Kyohan with 9 throws from kata. In FUNAKOSHI'S 9 THROWS, we show subtler (more aiki-like) methods of accomplishing those techniques.
Some traditional Okianwan kata actually clearly have soft receptions and applicaitons, but sometimes it is hard to see them when the kata is performed slowly. the 2-DVD set TENSHO, HAKUCHO, PAPUREN, the Aiki of Karate brings these applications to light.

To receive a 20% discount on selected Sogo Budo videos, take a DVD Self-study Course.

Bushido-kai's Sogo Budo system is Takeshin Seiken Budo.

Sogo Budo DVDs
Annesi LIVE! DVDs

Martial Arts E-Books

Seminars with Hanshi Annesi. |

Hanshi Tony Annesi
• Advisory council, Nippon Kobudo Renmei (NKR)
• Steering Committee, International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-do
• Member of 3 Martial Arts Halls of Fame
A martial artist since 1964
10th dan, Takeshin Aiki
10th dan, Takeshin Karate
6th Dan, Shotokan Karate
2nd dan, Judo