Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDsAiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDsMartial Arts DVDs & Seminars

  Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

The Principles of Advanced Budo Details

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Takeshin Okuden explained and illustrated as only video can.

Your technical study of Budo began with basics. Next, you developed numerous techniques, then variations of those techniques. You have developed quite a repertoire, but you may not completely understand why your techniques work or why they work only sometimes. You have the knowledge and you have the talent; until now, you may not have had the principles upon which all techniques are based. This three DVD set reveals the hidden keys to answering many of your unasked questions. Unlock a treasure chest of knowledge from both hard and soft arts in this unique set of videos. These Takeshin principles can be applied to all empty hand martial arts!

I've been watching your videos for nine years.   Even thought I practice Tae Kwon Do, I have found your ideas to be as applicable to our techniques as they are to Aiki-ju-jutsu techniques.   The insight that I have gained from your Principles of Aiki, as well as from your Principles of Advanced Budo Videos, has been invaluable to my understanding of how to apply techniques under different circumstances. I used to by every martial arts book and magazine that I could.   I was often disappointed by most authors who provided little information beyond the obvious. Since I saw your Principles [of Aiki] videos I have not purchased any other book, except from you.   I have found more USEFUL information in one hour of any of your videos than in all of the books and magazines I had read in the eight years prior. Thank you for producing the best and most widely applicable martial arts instructional videos that I have ever seen. I enthusiastically recommend your videos to any martial artist, regardless of style.
--Carol Fortney, Pennsylvania

Principles of Advanced Budo Set

3 DVDs, 5 Hours, PABvs, $99.00 Principles of Advanced Budo Set

3 part Download, PABvs-DL, $99.00
NB: a code and link will be emailed to you within 24 hours

The Way Martial Waza Work

The Principles of Advanced Budo

Principles of Advanced Budo 1

Part 1 covers Attack Detail, Attitude, Avoiding Direct Conflict, Conforming, Connection, Context, and Continuity.

• Introduction
• Punching Power
• Mutual Reverse Punches
• Capture the Center
• Aiki Reception
• Baiting Reception
• A Karate Example
• An Aiki Example
• Sliding Blocks
• Change Incomplete Techniques
• Spinal Locking
• An Aiki Version
• Strategic Indirectness
• Using Body "Landscape"
•Vibrate to Regulate
• Body to Body


Principles of Advanced Budo 2

Part 2 investigates Controlling Circularity, Controlling Vision, Hidden in the Open, In/Yo, Kuzushi Detail, and Minimization.

• In Takedowns
• While Kicking
• In Countering
• On thinking Conceptually
• IN/YO:
• Vary Between Hard & Soft
• Quick as a Fox... 
• Analyze to Synthesize 
•Applied to Breathing 
• Technqiues Exist to Create... 
• The Triangulation Point
• "Basing" & "The Wave"
• Complete/Partial/Subtle 
• Minimize in Applicaiton
• Move Only What Needs to be Moved
• In-close Karate


Principles of Advanced Budo 3

Part 3 instructs Preparing, Relaxation, Sensitivity, Skeletal Locking, Transmutation, and Weight Use. Also included are beginner principles.

• You Think Where You Feel

Principles of Advanced Budo DVD Set

3 DVDs, 5 Hours, PABvs, $99.00 Principles of Advanced Budo Set

3 part Download, PABvs-DL, $99.00
NB: a code and link will be emailed to you within 24 hours

The PRINCIPLES OF ADVANCED BUDO in e-book or paperback format.

Master Class DVDs: Principles and Concepts

Transmutation 1 Transmutation 2 Transmutation 3

Transmutation (3-DVD set)

Ground Defense

Ground Defense

Transmutation TNG 1 Transmutation TNG 2

Transmutation, the Next Generation
(2-DVD set)

Elevated Elementals

Elevated Elementals

Principles of Advanced Budo 1 Principles of Advanced Budo 2Principles of Advanced Budo 3

Principles of Advanced Budo (3-DVD set)

Road to Mastery 1Road to Mastery 2Road to Mastery 3Road to Mastery 4Road to Mastery 5

The Road to Mastery (5-DVD set)

Science of Sogo Budo 1 Science of Sogo Budo 2 Science of Sogo Budo 3

The Science of Sogo Budo (3-DVD set)


Maximal Minimal Motion Introduction

Chinese Martial Connection 1 Chinese Martial Connection 2 Chinese Martial Connection 3

The Chinese (Martial) Connection (3-DVD set)