The Inspiring Outtakes Series
When editing DVDs, some material, as interesting as it may be, simply does not fit. We have gathered several outtake segments of Hanshi Annesi's stories and martial philosophies that we believe will inspire students of the martial arts to higher achievements.
DVD: 1 Hour, 15 min. OI-4, $29
DOWNLOAD: 1 Hr, 15 min., OI-4-DL, $29 
To UPGRADE to a HARD COPY within 1 year of purchase for ONLY $20, visit our UPGRADE PAGE.
- Stronger vs. Better
- Ikkyo was a Counter
- All Ippon Kumite is Phony
- Making Minimal More Real
- Martial Artists Need More Blending
- The Karate Mind in Aiki
- Testing Karate Basics
- Challenging the Center
- Small Adjustments
- "Reactive" Ippon Kumite
- Don't Lean, Drop Weight
- Misunderstood Martial Training
- Size Doesn't Matter
- The Parking Lot Story
- How to Slap K.O.
- Reacting to a Gut Shot