Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDsAiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Martial Arts DVDs & Seminars

  Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

An Evening with the Masters

Aiki DVDs, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs

Tony Annesi's 50th Anniverary in The Martial Arts Celebration

An Evening with the Masters

A symposium featuring Soke Darrel Collins (Shinshin-ryu), Kwan-jang Ian Cyrus (Choson Kwon Bup & Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae), Hanshi Miguel Ibarra (Yamabushi Aiki-ju-jutsu), and Hanshi Tony Annesi (Takeshin Sogo Budo) on the occasion of Hanshi Annesi's 50th Anniversary in the Martial arts. A once-in-a-lifetime event. Intelligent discussion as well as answers illustrated with physical techniques.

Featuring a Panel Discussion moderated by Wes Tasker:
• representative techniques
• how the style change as the students advance
• stylistic philosophies
• street clothes demonstrations
• stylistic similiarities and contrasts

DVD: 2 hours, AL-23 ONLY $39  An Evening with the Masters

DOWNLOAD: 2 hours, AL-23-DL ONLY $39  An Evening with the Masters

To UPGRADE to a HARD COPY within 1 year of purchase for ONLY $20, visit our UPGRADE PAGE.

Flinch Response TrainingFlinch Response Training

An Evening with the MastersAn Evening with the Masters

Introduction to Budo Principles 1 Introduction to Budo Principles 2Introduction to Budo Principles

Dynamic Integration 1 Dynamic Integration 2 Dynamic Integration 3  Dynamic Martial Arts Integration


MaxMinMoIntroMaximal Minimal Motion Introduction

Introduction to Seiken-Shodan Introduction to Seiken-Nidan, Sandan Introduction to Seiken-Yondan            An Introduction to Takeshin Seiken Budo

Beyond Karate 1 Beyond Karate 2Bushido-kai's Beyond Karate

  Church Memorial SeminarShihan Albert C. Church, Jr. Memorial Seminar

Inspiring Outtakes 1Stories & Segments 1

Inspiring Outtakes 3Stories & Segments 2

Inspiring Outtakes 3Stories & Segments 3

Inspiring Outtakes 4Stories & Segments 4

Inspiring Outtakes 5Stories & Segments 5

Stories & Segments, Set 1 (IO-1,2,3,4,5,6.7), 7 DVDs, almost 8 hours, $129

Stories & Segments, Set 1

7 Downloads, $129

Stories & Segments, Set 1

Inspiring Outtakes 4Stories & Segments 6

Inspiring Outtakes 7Stories & Segments 7

Sogo Budo DVDs, Karate DVDs, Aiki DVDs, Aiki DVD, Karate DVDs, Sogo Budo DVDs