Hanshi Annesi's returns to extend his theme of minimizing standard Aikido techniques as requested by the Aikido Black Belts in attendance at this Lake Worth, Florida seminar. Students go through maximal, medial, and minimal renditions of Kote Gaeshi, Ude Kime Nage, Seoinage, Nikyo, and Ikkyo while learning to deal with distances and situations not normally taught in the dojo. Minimizing large, fluid techniques is essential for self-defense, especially defense against more than one person where there is little time or space for larger waza. Two hours of small group instruction.
CONTENTS: DOWNLOAD: 2 Hours, AL-15-DL, $49 ----- Minimizing Aiki 1 & 2 DVDs(4 hours) AL-9 & 15, $79 DOWNLOADs: Minimizing Aiki 1 & 2 4 Hrs, AL-9&15-DL, $79 To UPGRADE to a HARD COPY within 1 year of purchase for ONLY $20, visit our UPGRADE PAGE. |
AIKI JU-JUTSU TOOLKIT PARTS 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 TOGETHER (16.25 hrs) DVD: Aiki-ju-jutsu Toolkit SET (part 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5), 11-DVDs : DOWNLOADS: Aiki-ju-jutsu Toolkit SET (part 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5), 11-sections : |
AIKI Refinements, Volumes 1, 2, & 3: 3 DVDS, 4.45 HOURS, $89 |
Minimizing Aiki Vols. 1 & 2: 3.5 hrs. ONLY $79 |